Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Five Tips For...

We did a "Five Tips" video in our GT class, and my group (which consisted of Sheila Blum, Audrey Garrison, and Kaya Waldman) decided to make a video on five tips for living healthy. Audrey and Kaya were the people that were in the actual video, Sheila did the voice overs and helped me film, and I edited the entire thing. Our five tips were to:

  1. Exercise often
  2. Try meditating
  3. Eat healthy
  4. Remember to relax
  5. Sleep more
We chose this topic because it was easy to do and it was a topic that our whole group could agree on doing. We could have cut down on the camera movement, there were a few shots where the camera was shakey. Also we could have added more interesting angles, to make the video look better. The voice overs sounded like they were from a script, -which it was- but it could have souned like Sheila was talking it, not reading it.

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