Monday, April 7, 2014

Words of Wisdom

We had a video project called "Words of Wisdom" in GT; we teamed up with Hiki No to make a video on basically words of wisdom from someone that you know that's older than you. We chose Edmund Acoba, who is a karate sensei and a fifth circuit family court judge. Before going out and filming, we filled out a planning sheet, planning the questions and shot types. Sheila and Audrey (who were in my group) filmed the interview and b-roll. As usual, I edited all of the clips and put them together.

When we interviewed Edmund, he gave us the advice that time management is really important, and you should try to take time for everything, especially for the things that you love. It's an important thing to know so you aren't too stressed out and want to rip your hair out, but you're happy doing the things that you like to do. For Edmund, his outlet is karate, he doesn't just teach it, he actually loves doing it.

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