Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Practice Profile Story

The purpose of doing this project was to practice the project, to get a feel of what we were doing. It was to practice how to lay out our interview, how to get our b r-oll, and how to film our voice overs so if we didn't have enough video, we have a back up. For our practice, we chose Audrey, and the interview was about her practicing her painting. We chose her because it was convienient, Sheila and I both didn't want to be the ones on camera. We were also doing a painting project so it was easy for us to do that topic.


  1. Kaylene I love you sooo much and your blog is really cool!!! Im soo glad to see you its been forever (not really) Your background is really british but its cool!
    Love you

  2. I like the background it's lovely and how your page layout is see through. You look like a professional blogger! Good job.
