Friday, February 28, 2014

Profile Project Progress

We interviewed Edmund Acoba, he is a district court judge and a karate teacher. We went to the Island School Gym, where he teaches karate, to interview him. We chose to interview him because he does have two jobs, and a family. He knows how to handle them and since there are many people out there that do have to balance two things at once, this video can be used to help them. He revealed a lot about how he maintains them and how he doesn't get overwhelmed by them.

B-roll and voice overs are two important parts in a interview video. It helps a lot with storytelling. B-roll helps with visual storytelling. B-roll is footage that is used to help connect the viewer with the video with shots that goes with what the interviewer is saying. Voice overs are used to take storytelling a step further. For this project, we're using voice overs for transitions. Transitions are used to make a story flow. It takes you from one subject to the next so it makes sense.

I teamed up with Sheila and Audrey for this project. We're I guess alright with this project, everyone has their own specific job. Sheila filmed, Audrey did the transitions, and I did the editing. We're all doing the pre-production planning. None of us sit around and do nothing, we all help each other out. One big thing we lack in is communication. We didn't pick up our camera when we signed it out, and it happened twice. We really need to work on that. To improve that we should talk to each other, see who can take what home and when can everyone be able to show up to film. Other than that, I think we work well with each other


To go from good to great, my team can go to the courthouse and film some additional b-roll. We can also reshoot the voice overs so it can match the calm, clear and slow pace that Edmund speaks in. We can also film some b-roll in other places that aren't at the gym. Other critiques that showed up was to make our interview shorter, to condense it.


  1. How are you Kaylene? I was amazed with your final video; it was super professional and I could tell how much work and effort was put into it. Stay awesome!

  2. How is life going? Are you missing spring break already? I really love the work you have done in this class. They are all really cool! I also like the theme of your blog.

  3. Heyy! your blog is super cool. Your work is always really good and professional. Keep up the STELLAR work ^.^
