Tuesday, January 21, 2014

All About Me

Oh, and I'm the girl on the right.

My name is Kaylene Iloreta (pronounced kay-leen) and I was born on September 6th 2000. Before I moved to Kapaa, Hawaii, on the island of Kauai, I lived in Kona, Hawaii, which is on the Big Island. I moved here when I was about three years old. I went to Kapaa Elementary School for first through fifth grade. Now I attend Kapaa Middle School, and it is my last year going to this school before I go to Kapaa High School. I haven't lived in any other states before.

I don't really live a fast paced life, and I like it like that. Literally all I do is sleep... and eat. I really want to live my life traveling, that would be great. I have wanted to go to places in like Europe for as long as I remember; Asia would be fun to explore too.

I'm pretty confusing, I don't like a lot of things, but at the same time, I love everything. I am not happy with myself all the time, but I know that I am amazing at the same time. I tell people not to judge people easily, while I'm guilty of doing the same thing. I know, it's the worst thing ever.

Polar Panoramas


Here are my two final Polar Panoramas. To make these images I chose a good place to take your photos and then take 10 pictures at the least while moving left to right. (Always holding the camera in vertical orientation). I then edited the photos to my liking with Adobe Camera Raw prior to making the panorama. And just like the Spherical Panorama, shape your photo into a perfect square and flip the photo. Then you add the polar coordinates filter to wrap your photo into a sphere. Rotate and hide the seam on your photo until you get what you like.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Spherical Panoramas

Here are my two finished spherical panoramas. We first took at least ten to fifteen photos of a place that we wanted to photograph. We edited them in Adobe Camera Raw. Afterwards, we used photo merge in Adobe Photoshop to create our panoramas. If things didn't end up the way we wanted, we had to hand stitch them. Then we changed the size of the image to 5000x5000 pixels to make it into a square. Then we added a polar coordinates filter to make the land wrap around the sky, and after contracting and feathering the border of the circle, we added it to a background, finally creating this spherical.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Final Photomontages

Here are my two finished Photomontages that were inspired by the famous photographer Daniel Hockney, he created the idea and called them "Joiners". I used my phone to take at least fifteen photos of a subject and edited them in Adobe Camera Raw. I used Photoshop to compile my photos into this final image.

Magazine Cover

This is my finished magazine cover that I created in the fall of 2013 at Kapa'a Middle School. Our class made magazine covers with a headline and 6 sub-stories.

We first took a photo of ourselves and used Adobe Camera Raw to edit them to our liking. Then used Adobe Photoshop to contour and color our photo that we chose. We payed close attention to the magazine layout. Everyone chose a theme and made a headline and sub-stories based on that theme. My theme was summer, which is why you see I added things like "What's on your summer bucket list?" and "Total Summer Takeover".